pc.h 42.2 KB
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738

 Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002.
 This source file is supplied for the use with
 Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters.
 Eicon File Revision :    2.1
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 any later version.
 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef PC_H_INCLUDED  /* { */
/* buffer definition                                                */
typedef struct {
	word length;          /* length of data/parameter field           */
	byte P[270];          /* data/parameter field                     */
/* dual port ram structure                                          */
struct dual
	byte Req;             /* request register                         */
	byte ReqId;           /* request task/entity identification       */
	byte Rc;              /* return code register                     */
	byte RcId;            /* return code task/entity identification   */
	byte Ind;             /* Indication register                      */
	byte IndId;           /* Indication task/entity identification    */
	byte IMask;           /* Interrupt Mask Flag                      */
	byte RNR;             /* Receiver Not Ready (set by PC)           */
	byte XLock;           /* XBuffer locked Flag                      */
	byte Int;             /* ISDN-S interrupt                         */
	byte ReqCh;           /* Channel field for layer-3 Requests       */
	byte RcCh;            /* Channel field for layer-3 Returncodes    */
	byte IndCh;           /* Channel field for layer-3 Indications    */
	byte MInd;            /* more data indication field               */
	word MLength;         /* more data total packet length            */
	byte ReadyInt;        /* request field for ready interrupt        */
	byte SWReg;           /* Software register for special purposes   */
	byte Reserved[11];    /* reserved space                           */
	byte InterfaceType;   /* interface type 1=16K interface           */
	word Signature;       /* ISDN-S adapter Signature (GD)            */
	PBUFFER XBuffer;      /* Transmit Buffer                          */
	PBUFFER RBuffer;      /* Receive Buffer                           */
/* SWReg Values (0 means no command)                                */
#define SWREG_DIE_WITH_LEDON  0x01
#define SWREG_HALT_CPU        0x02 /* Push CPU into a while (1) loop */
/* Id Fields Coding                                                 */
#define ID_MASK 0xe0    /* Mask for the ID field                    */
#define GL_ERR_ID 0x1f  /* ID for error reporting on global requests*/
#define DSIG_ID  0x00   /* ID for D-channel signaling               */
#define NL_ID    0x20   /* ID for network-layer access (B or D)     */
#define BLLC_ID  0x60   /* ID for B-channel link level access       */
#define TASK_ID  0x80   /* ID for dynamic user tasks                */
#define TIMER_ID 0xa0   /* ID for timer task                        */
#define TEL_ID   0xc0   /* ID for telephone support                 */
#define MAN_ID   0xe0   /* ID for management                        */
/* ASSIGN and REMOVE requests are the same for all entities         */
#define ASSIGN  0x01
#define UREMOVE 0xfe /* without return code */
#define REMOVE  0xff
/* Timer Interrupt Task Interface                                   */
#define ASSIGN_TIM 0x01
#define REMOVE_TIM 0xff
/* dynamic user task interface                                      */
#define ASSIGN_TSK 0x01
#define REMOVE_TSK 0xff
#define LOAD 0xf0
#define RELOCATE 0xf1
#define START 0xf2
#define LOAD2 0xf3
#define RELOCATE2 0xf4
/* dynamic user task messages                                       */
#define TSK_B2          0x0000
#define TSK_WAKEUP      0x2000
#define TSK_TIMER       0x4000
#define TSK_TSK         0x6000
#define TSK_PC          0xe000
/* LL management primitives                                         */
#define ASSIGN_LL 1     /* assign logical link                      */
#define REMOVE_LL 0xff  /* remove logical link                      */
/* LL service primitives                                            */
#define LL_UDATA 1      /* link unit data request/indication        */
#define LL_ESTABLISH 2  /* link establish request/indication        */
#define LL_RELEASE 3    /* link release request/indication          */
#define LL_DATA 4       /* data request/indication                  */
#define LL_LOCAL 5      /* switch to local operation (COM only)     */
#define LL_DATA_PEND 5  /* data pending indication (SDLC SHM only)  */
#define LL_REMOTE 6     /* switch to remote operation (COM only)    */
#define LL_TEST 8       /* link test request                        */
#define LL_MDATA 9      /* more data request/indication             */
#define LL_BUDATA 10    /* broadcast unit data request/indication   */
#define LL_XID 12       /* XID command request/indication           */
#define LL_XID_R 13     /* XID response request/indication          */
/* NL service primitives                                            */
#define N_MDATA         1       /* more data to come REQ/IND        */
#define N_CONNECT       2       /* OSI N-CONNECT REQ/IND            */
#define N_CONNECT_ACK   3       /* OSI N-CONNECT CON/RES            */
#define N_DISC          4       /* OSI N-DISC REQ/IND               */
#define N_DISC_ACK      5       /* OSI N-DISC CON/RES               */
#define N_RESET         6       /* OSI N-RESET REQ/IND              */
#define N_RESET_ACK     7       /* OSI N-RESET CON/RES              */
#define N_DATA          8       /* OSI N-DATA REQ/IND               */
#define N_EDATA         9       /* OSI N-EXPEDITED DATA REQ/IND     */
#define N_UDATA         10      /* OSI D-UNIT-DATA REQ/IND          */
#define N_BDATA         11      /* BROADCAST-DATA REQ/IND           */
#define N_DATA_ACK      12      /* data ack ind for D-bit procedure */
#define N_EDATA_ACK     13      /* data ack ind for INTERRUPT       */
#define N_XON           15      /* clear RNR state */
#define N_COMBI_IND     N_XON   /* combined indication              */
#define N_Q_BIT         0x10    /* Q-bit for req/ind                */
#define N_M_BIT         0x20    /* M-bit for req/ind                */
#define N_D_BIT         0x40    /* D-bit for req/ind                */
/* Signaling management primitives                                  */
#define ASSIGN_SIG  1    /* assign signaling task                    */
#define UREMOVE_SIG 0xfe /* remove signaling task without return code*/
#define REMOVE_SIG  0xff /* remove signaling task                    */
/* Signaling service primitives                                     */
#define CALL_REQ 1      /* call request                             */
#define CALL_CON 1      /* call confirmation                        */
#define CALL_IND 2      /* incoming call connected                  */
#define LISTEN_REQ 2    /* listen request                           */
#define HANGUP 3        /* hangup request/indication                */
#define SUSPEND 4       /* call suspend request/confirm             */
#define RESUME 5        /* call resume request/confirm              */
#define SUSPEND_REJ 6   /* suspend rejected indication              */
#define USER_DATA 8     /* user data for user to user signaling     */
#define CONGESTION 9    /* network congestion indication            */
#define INDICATE_REQ 10 /* request to indicate an incoming call     */
#define INDICATE_IND 10 /* indicates that there is an incoming call */
#define CALL_RES 11     /* accept an incoming call                  */
#define CALL_ALERT 12   /* send ALERT for incoming call             */
#define INFO_REQ 13     /* INFO request                             */
#define INFO_IND 13     /* INFO indication                          */
#define REJECT 14       /* reject an incoming call                  */
#define RESOURCES 15    /* reserve B-Channel hardware resources     */
#define HW_CTRL 16      /* B-Channel hardware IOCTL req/ind         */
#define TEL_CTRL 16     /* Telephone control request/indication     */
#define STATUS_REQ 17   /* Request D-State (returned in INFO_IND)   */
#define FAC_REG_REQ 18  /* 1TR6 connection independent fac reg      */
#define FAC_REG_ACK 19  /* 1TR6 fac registration acknowledge        */
#define FAC_REG_REJ 20  /* 1TR6 fac registration reject             */
#define CALL_COMPLETE 21/* send a CALL_PROC for incoming call       */
#define SW_CTRL 22      /* extended software features               */
#define REGISTER_REQ 23 /* Q.931 connection independent reg req     */
#define REGISTER_IND 24 /* Q.931 connection independent reg ind     */
#define FACILITY_REQ 25 /* Q.931 connection independent fac req     */
#define FACILITY_IND 26 /* Q.931 connection independent fac ind     */
#define NCR_INFO_REQ 27 /* INFO_REQ with NULL CR                    */
#define GCR_MIM_REQ 28  /* MANAGEMENT_INFO_REQ with global CR       */
#define SIG_CTRL    29  /* Control for Signalling Hardware          */
#define DSP_CTRL    30  /* Control for DSPs                         */
#define LAW_REQ      31 /* Law config request for (returns info_i)  */
#define SPID_CTRL    32 /* Request/indication SPID related          */
#define NCR_FACILITY 33 /* Request/indication with NULL/DUMMY CR    */
#define CALL_HOLD    34 /* Request/indication to hold a CALL        */
#define CALL_RETRIEVE 35 /* Request/indication to retrieve a CALL   */
#define CALL_HOLD_ACK 36 /* OK of                hold a CALL        */
#define CALL_RETRIEVE_ACK 37 /* OK of             retrieve a CALL   */
#define CALL_HOLD_REJ 38 /* Reject of            hold a CALL        */
#define CALL_RETRIEVE_REJ 39 /* Reject of         retrieve a call   */
#define GCR_RESTART   40 /* Send/Receive Restart message            */
#define S_SERVICE     41 /* Send/Receive Supplementary Service      */
#define S_SERVICE_REJ 42 /* Reject Supplementary Service indication */
#define S_SUPPORTED   43 /* Req/Ind to get Supported Services       */
#define STATUS_ENQ    44 /* Req to send the D-ch request if !state0 */
#define CALL_GUARD    45 /* Req/Ind to use the FLAGS_CALL_OUTCHECK  */
#define CALL_GUARD_HP 46 /* Call Guard function to reject a call    */
#define CALL_GUARD_IF 47 /* Call Guard function, inform the appl    */
#define SSEXT_REQ     48 /* Supplem.Serv./QSIG specific request     */
#define SSEXT_IND     49 /* Supplem.Serv./QSIG specific indication  */
/* reserved commands for the US protocols */
#define INT_3PTY_NIND 50 /* US       specific indication            */
#define INT_CF_NIND   51 /* US       specific indication            */
#define INT_3PTY_DROP 52 /* US       specific indication            */
#define INT_MOVE_CONF 53 /* US       specific indication            */
#define INT_MOVE_RC   54 /* US       specific indication            */
#define INT_MOVE_FLIPPED_CONF 55 /* US specific indication          */
#define INT_X5NI_OK   56 /* internal transfer OK indication         */
#define INT_XDMS_START 57 /* internal transfer OK indication        */
#define INT_XDMS_STOP 58 /* internal transfer finish indication     */
#define INT_XDMS_STOP2 59 /* internal transfer send FA              */
#define INT_CUSTCONF_REJ 60 /* internal conference reject           */
#define INT_CUSTXFER 61 /* internal transfer request                */
#define INT_CUSTX_NIND 62 /* internal transfer ack                  */
#define INT_CUSTXREJ_NIND 63 /* internal transfer rej               */
#define INT_X5NI_CF_XFER  64 /* internal transfer OK indication     */
#define VSWITCH_REQ 65        /* communication between protocol and */
#define VSWITCH_IND 66        /* capifunctions for D-CH-switching   */
#define MWI_POLL 67     /* Message Waiting Status Request fkt */
#define CALL_PEND_NOTIFY 68 /* notify capi to set new listen        */
#define DO_NOTHING 69       /* dont do somethin if you get this     */
#define INT_CT_REJ 70       /* ECT rejected internal command        */
#define CALL_HOLD_COMPLETE 71 /* In NT Mode indicate hold complete  */
#define CALL_RETRIEVE_COMPLETE 72 /* In NT Mode indicate retrieve complete  */
/* management service primitives                                    */
#define MAN_READ        2
#define MAN_WRITE       3
#define MAN_EXECUTE     4
#define MAN_EVENT_ON    5
#define MAN_EVENT_OFF   6
#define MAN_LOCK        7
#define MAN_UNLOCK      8
#define MAN_INFO_IND    2
#define MAN_EVENT_IND   3
#define MAN_TRACE_IND   4
#define MAN_COMBI_IND   9
#define MAN_ESC         0x80
/* return code coding                                               */
#define UNKNOWN_COMMAND         0x01    /* unknown command          */
#define WRONG_COMMAND           0x02    /* wrong command            */
#define WRONG_ID                0x03    /* unknown task/entity id   */
#define WRONG_CH                0x04    /* wrong task/entity id     */
#define UNKNOWN_IE              0x05    /* unknown information el.  */
#define WRONG_IE                0x06    /* wrong information el.    */
#define OUT_OF_RESOURCES        0x07    /* ISDN-S card out of res.  */
#define ISDN_GUARD_REJ          0x09    /* ISDN-Guard SuppServ rej  */
#define N_FLOW_CONTROL          0x10    /* Flow-Control, retry      */
#define ASSIGN_RC               0xe0    /* ASSIGN acknowledgement   */
#define ASSIGN_OK               0xef    /* ASSIGN OK                */
#define OK_FC                   0xfc    /* Flow-Control RC          */
#define READY_INT               0xfd    /* Ready interrupt          */
#define TIMER_INT               0xfe    /* timer interrupt          */
#define OK                      0xff    /* command accepted         */
/* information elements                                             */
#define SHIFT 0x90              /* codeset shift                    */
#define MORE 0xa0               /* more data                        */
#define SDNCMPL 0xa1            /* sending complete                 */
#define CL 0xb0                 /* congestion level                 */
/* codeset 0                                                */
#define SMSG 0x00               /* segmented message                */
#define BC  0x04                /* Bearer Capability                */
#define CAU 0x08                /* cause                            */
#define CAD 0x0c                /* Connected address                */
#define CAI 0x10                /* call identity                    */
#define CHI 0x18                /* channel identification           */
#define LLI 0x19                /* logical link id                  */
#define CHA 0x1a                /* charge advice                    */
#define FTY 0x1c                /* Facility                         */
#define DT  0x29                /* ETSI date/time                   */
#define KEY 0x2c                /* keypad information element       */
#define UID 0x2d                /* User id information element      */
#define DSP 0x28                /* display                          */
#define SIG 0x34                /* signalling hardware control      */
#define OAD 0x6c                /* origination address              */
#define OSA 0x6d                /* origination sub-address          */
#define CPN 0x70                /* called party number              */
#define DSA 0x71                /* destination sub-address          */
#define RDX 0x73                /* redirecting number extended      */
#define RDN 0x74                /* redirecting number               */
#define RIN 0x76                /* redirection number               */
#define IUP 0x76                /* VN6 rerouter->PCS (codeset 6)    */
#define IPU 0x77                /* VN6 PCS->rerouter (codeset 6)    */
#define RI  0x79                /* restart indicator                */
#define MIE 0x7a                /* management info element          */
#define LLC 0x7c                /* low layer compatibility          */
#define HLC 0x7d                /* high layer compatibility         */
#define UUI 0x7e                /* user user information            */
#define ESC 0x7f                /* escape extension                 */
#define DLC 0x20                /* data link layer configuration    */
#define NLC 0x21                /* network layer configuration      */
#define REDIRECT_IE     0x22    /* redirection request/indication data */
#define REDIRECT_NET_IE 0x23    /* redirection network override data   */
/* codeset 6                                                */
#define SIN 0x01                /* service indicator                */
#define CIF 0x02                /* charging information             */
#define DATE 0x03               /* date                             */
#define CPS 0x07                /* called party status              */
/* ESC information elements                                         */
#define MSGTYPEIE        0x7a   /* Messagetype info element         */
#define CRIE             0x7b   /* INFO info element                */
#define CODESET6IE       0xec   /* Tunnel for Codeset 6 IEs         */
#define VSWITCHIE        0xed   /* VSwitch info element             */
#define SSEXTIE          0xee   /* Supplem. Service info element    */
#define PROFILEIE        0xef   /* Profile info element             */
/* TEL_CTRL contents                                                */
#define RING_ON         0x01
#define RING_OFF        0x02
#define HANDS_FREE_ON   0x03
#define HANDS_FREE_OFF  0x04
#define ON_HOOK         0x80
#define OFF_HOOK        0x90
/* operation values used by ETSI supplementary services */
#define THREE_PTY_BEGIN           0x04
#define THREE_PTY_END             0x05
#define ECT_EXECUTE               0x06
#define ACTIVATION_DIVERSION      0x07
#define CALL_DEFLECTION           0x0D
#define ACTIVATION_MWI            0x20
#define DEACTIVATION_MWI          0x21
#define MWI_INDICATION            0x22
#define MWI_RESPONSE              0x23
#define CONF_BEGIN                0x28
#define CONF_ADD                  0x29
#define CONF_SPLIT                0x2a
#define CONF_DROP                 0x2b
#define CONF_ISOLATE              0x2c
#define CONF_REATTACH             0x2d
#define CONF_PARTYDISC            0x2e
#define CCBS_INFO_RETAIN          0x2f
#define CCBS_STOP_ALERTING        0x31
#define CCBS_REQUEST              0x32
#define CCBS_DEACTIVATE           0x33
#define CCBS_INTERROGATE          0x34
#define CCBS_STATUS               0x35
#define CCBS_ERASE                0x36
#define CCBS_B_FREE               0x37
#define CCNR_INFO_RETAIN          0x38
#define CCBS_REMOTE_USER_FREE     0x39
#define CCNR_REQUEST              0x3a
#define CCNR_INTERROGATE          0x3b
/* Service Masks */
#define SMASK_HOLD_RETRIEVE        0x00000001
#define SMASK_ECT                  0x00000004
#define SMASK_3PTY                 0x00000008
#define SMASK_CALL_FORWARDING      0x00000010
#define SMASK_CALL_DEFLECTION      0x00000020
#define SMASK_MCID                 0x00000040
#define SMASK_CCBS                 0x00000080
#define SMASK_MWI                  0x00000100
#define SMASK_CCNR                 0x00000200
#define SMASK_CONF                 0x00000400
/* ----------------------------------------------
   Types of transfers used to transfer the
   information in the 'struct RC->Reserved2[8]'
   The information is transferred as 2 dwords
   (2 4Byte unsigned values)
   First of them is the transfer type.
   2^32-1 possible messages are possible in this way.
   The context of the second one had no meaning
   ---------------------------------------------- */
#define DIVA_RC_TYPE_NONE              0x00000000
#define DIVA_RC_TYPE_REMOVE_COMPLETE   0x00000008
#define DIVA_RC_TYPE_STREAM_PTR        0x00000009
#define DIVA_RC_TYPE_CMA_PTR           0x0000000a
#define DIVA_RC_TYPE_OK_FC             0x0000000b
#define DIVA_RC_TYPE_RX_DMA            0x0000000c
/* ------------------------------------------------------
   IO Control codes for IN BAND SIGNALING
   ------------------------------------------------------ */
#define CTRL_L1_SET_SIG_ID        5
#define CTRL_L1_SET_DAD           6
#define CTRL_L1_RESOURCES         7
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------
   Layer 2 types
   ------------------------------------------------------ */
#define X75T            1       /* x.75 for ttx                     */
#define TRF             2       /* transparent with hdlc framing    */
#define TRF_IN          3       /* transparent with hdlc fr. inc.   */
#define SDLC            4       /* sdlc, sna layer-2                */
#define X75             5       /* x.75 for btx                     */
#define LAPD            6       /* lapd (Q.921)                     */
#define X25_L2          7       /* x.25 layer-2                     */
#define V120_L2         8       /* V.120 layer-2 protocol           */
#define V42_IN          9       /* V.42 layer-2 protocol, incoming */
#define V42            10       /* V.42 layer-2 protocol            */
#define MDM_ATP        11       /* AT Parser built in the L2        */
#define X75_V42BIS     12       /* x.75 with V.42bis                */
#define RTPL2_IN       13       /* RTP layer-2 protocol, incoming  */
#define RTPL2          14       /* RTP layer-2 protocol             */
#define V120_V42BIS    15       /* V.120 asynchronous mode supporting V.42bis compression */
#define LISTENER       27       /* Layer 2 to listen line */
#define MTP2           28       /* MTP2 Layer 2 */
#define PIAFS_CRC      29       /* PIAFS Layer 2 with CRC calculation at L2 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------
   ------------------------------------------------------ */
#define PIAFS_64K            0x01
#define PIAFS_CHINESE_SPEED    0x04
#define PIAFS_UDATA_ABILITY_ID    0x80
  DLC of PIAFS :
  Byte | 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
  0 | 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0  Data Link Configuration
  1 | X X X X X X X X  Length of IE (at least 15 Bytes)
  2 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  max. information field, LOW  byte (not used, fix 73 Bytes)
  3 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  max. information field, HIGH byte (not used, fix 73 Bytes)
  4 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  address A (not used)
  5 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  address B (not used)
  6 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  Mode (not used, fix 128)
  7 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  Window Size (not used, fix 127)
  8 | X X X X X X X X  XID Length, Low Byte (at least 7 Bytes)
  9 | X X X X X X X X  XID Length, High Byte
  10 | 0 0 0 0 0 C V S  PIAFS Protocol Speed configuration -> Note(1)
  |                  S = 0 -> Protocol Speed is 32K
  |                  S = 1 -> Protocol Speed is 64K
  |                  V = 0 -> Protocol Speed is fixed
  |                  V = 1 -> Protocol Speed is variable
  |                  C = 0 -> speed setting according to standard
  |                  C = 1 -> speed setting for chinese implementation
  11 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 R T  P0 - V42bis Compression enable/disable, Low Byte
  |                  T = 0 -> Transmit Direction enable
  |                  T = 1 -> Transmit Direction disable
  |                  R = 0 -> Receive  Direction enable
  |                  R = 1 -> Receive  Direction disable
  13 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  P0 - V42bis Compression enable/disable, High Byte
  14 | X X X X X X X X  P1 - V42bis Dictionary Size, Low Byte
  15 | X X X X X X X X  P1 - V42bis Dictionary Size, High Byte
  16 | X X X X X X X X  P2 - V42bis String Length, Low Byte
  17 | X X X X X X X X  P2 - V42bis String Length, High Byte
  18 | X X X X X X X X  PIAFS extension length
  19 | 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  PIAFS extension Id (0x80) - UDATA abilities
  20 | U 0 0 0 0 0 0 D  UDATA abilities -> Note (2)
  |                  up to now the following Bits are defined:
  |                  D - signal DCD ON
  |                  U - use extensive UDATA control communication
  |                      for DDI test application
  + Note (1): ----------+------+-----------------------------------------+
  | PIAFS Protocol      | Bit  |                                         |
  | Speed configuration |    S | Bit 1 - Protocol Speed                  |
  |                     |      |         0 - 32K                         |
  |                     |      |         1 - 64K (default)               |
  |                     |    V | Bit 2 - Variable Protocol Speed         |
  |                     |      |         0 - Speed is fix                |
  |                     |      |         1 - Speed is variable (default) |
  |                     |      |             OVERWRITES 32k Bit 1        |
  |                     |    C | Bit 3   0 - Speed Settings according to |
  |                     |      |             PIAFS specification         |
  |                     |      |         1 - Speed setting for chinese   |
  |                     |      |             PIAFS implementation        |
  |                     |      | Explanation for chinese speed settings: |
  |                     |      |         if Bit 3 is set the following   |
  |                     |      |         rules apply:                    |
  |                     |      |         Bit1=0 Bit2=0: 32k fix          |
  |                     |      |         Bit1=1 Bit2=0: 64k fix          |
  |                     |      |         Bit1=0 Bit2=1: PIAFS is trying  |
  |                     |      |             to negotiate 32k is that is |
  |                     |      |             not possible it tries to    |
  |                     |      |             negotiate 64k               |
  |                     |      |         Bit1=1 Bit2=1: PIAFS is trying  |
  |                     |      |             to negotiate 64k is that is |
  |                     |      |             not possible it tries to    |
  |                     |      |             negotiate 32k               |
  + Note (2): ----------+------+-----------------------------------------+
  | PIAFS               | Bit  | this byte defines the usage of UDATA    |
  | Implementation      |      | control communication                   |
  | UDATA usage         |    D | Bit 1 - DCD-ON signalling               |
  |                     |      |         0 - no DCD-ON is signalled      |
  |                     |      |             (default)                   |
  |                     |      |         1 - DCD-ON will be signalled    |
  |                     |    U | Bit 8 - DDI test application UDATA      |
  |                     |      |         control communication           |
  |                     |      |         0 - no UDATA control            |
  |                     |      |             communication (default)     |
  |                     |      |             sets as well the DCD-ON     |
  |                     |      |             signalling                  |
  |                     |      |         1 - UDATA control communication |
  |                     |      |             ATTENTION: Do not use these |
  |                     |      |                        setting if you   |
  |                     |      |                        are not really   |
  |                     |      |                        that you need it |
  |                     |      |                        and you know     |
  |                     |      |                        exactly what you |
  |                     |      |                        are doing.       |
  |                     |      |                        You can easily   |
  |                     |      |                        disable any      |
  |                     |      |                        data transfer.   |
/* ------------------------------------------------------
   ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------
   ------------------------------------------------------ */
#define META_CODE_LL_UDATA_RX 0x01
#define META_CODE_LL_UDATA_TX 0x02
#define META_CODE_LL_DATA_RX  0x03
#define META_CODE_LL_DATA_TX  0x04
#define META_CODE_LL_MDATA_RX 0x05
#define META_CODE_LL_MDATA_TX 0x06
#define META_CODE_EMPTY       0x10
#define META_FLAG_TRUNCATED   0x0001
/* CAPI-like profile to indicate features on LAW_REQ                */
#define GL_HANDSET_SUPPORTED                 0x00000004L
#define GL_DTMF_SUPPORTED                    0x00000008L
#define GL_LINE_INTERCONNECT_SUPPORTED       0x00000080L
#define B1_HDLC_SUPPORTED                    0x00000001L
#define B1_TRANSPARENT_SUPPORTED             0x00000002L
#define B1_V110_ASYNC_SUPPORTED              0x00000004L
#define B1_V110_SYNC_SUPPORTED               0x00000008L
#define B1_T30_SUPPORTED                     0x00000010L
#define B1_HDLC_INVERTED_SUPPORTED           0x00000020L
#define B1_TRANSPARENT_R_SUPPORTED           0x00000040L
#define B1_MODEM_ALL_NEGOTIATE_SUPPORTED     0x00000080L
#define B1_MODEM_ASYNC_SUPPORTED             0x00000100L
#define B1_MODEM_SYNC_HDLC_SUPPORTED         0x00000200L
#define B2_X75_SUPPORTED                     0x00000001L
#define B2_TRANSPARENT_SUPPORTED             0x00000002L
#define B2_SDLC_SUPPORTED                    0x00000004L
#define B2_LAPD_SUPPORTED                    0x00000008L
#define B2_T30_SUPPORTED                     0x00000010L
#define B2_PPP_SUPPORTED                     0x00000020L
#define B2_TRANSPARENT_NO_CRC_SUPPORTED      0x00000040L
#define B2_X75_V42BIS_SUPPORTED              0x00000100L
#define B2_V120_ASYNC_SUPPORTED              0x00000200L
#define B2_V120_ASYNC_V42BIS_SUPPORTED       0x00000400L
#define B2_V120_BIT_TRANSPARENT_SUPPORTED    0x00000800L
#define B2_LAPD_FREE_SAPI_SEL_SUPPORTED      0x00001000L
#define B3_TRANSPARENT_SUPPORTED             0x00000001L
#define B3_T90NL_SUPPORTED                   0x00000002L
#define B3_ISO8208_SUPPORTED                 0x00000004L
#define B3_X25_DCE_SUPPORTED                 0x00000008L
#define B3_T30_SUPPORTED                     0x00000010L
#define B3_T30_WITH_EXTENSIONS_SUPPORTED     0x00000020L
#define B3_RESERVED_SUPPORTED                0x00000040L
#define B3_MODEM_SUPPORTED                   0x00000080L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SLAVE_CODEC          0x00000001L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_HARDDTMF             0x00000004L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_V18                  0x00000080L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_MIXER_CH_CH          0x00000100L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_MIXER_CH_PC          0x00000200L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_MIXER_PC_CH          0x00000400L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_MIXER_PC_PC          0x00000800L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_RTP                  0x00002000L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_T38                  0x00004000L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_OOB_CHANNEL          0x00020000L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_PIAFS                0x00100000L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_DTMF_TONE            0x00200000L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_OK_FC_LABEL          0x00800000L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_VOWN                 0x01000000L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_XCONNECT             0x02000000L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_DMACONNECT           0x04000000L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_AUDIO_TAP            0x08000000L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_SS7                  0x20000000L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_MADAPTER             0x40000000L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE_MEASURE              0x80000000L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE2_LISTENING           0x00000001L
#define MANUFACTURER_FEATURE2_COLOR_FAX           0x00000008L
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_PCMU_8000     0
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_1016_8000     1
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_G726_32_8000  2
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_GSM_8000      3
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_G723_8000     4
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_DVI4_8000     5
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_DVI4_16000    6
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_LPC_8000      7
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_PCMA_8000     8
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_G722_16000    9
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_QCELP_8000    12
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_G728_8000     14
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_G729_8000     18
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_GSM_HR_8000   30
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_GSM_EFR_8000  31
#define RTP_ADD_PAYLOAD_BASE           32
#define RTP_ADD_PAYLOAD_RED            32
#define RTP_ADD_PAYLOAD_CN_8000        33
#define RTP_ADD_PAYLOAD_DTMF           34
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_1016_8000_SUPPORTED     (1L << RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_1016_8000)
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_G726_32_8000_SUPPORTED  (1L << RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_G726_32_8000)
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_G723_8000_SUPPORTED     (1L << RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_G723_8000)
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_G722_16000_SUPPORTED    (1L << RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_G722_16000)
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_G728_8000_SUPPORTED     (1L << RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_G728_8000)
#define RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_G729_8000_SUPPORTED     (1L << RTP_PRIM_PAYLOAD_G729_8000)
/* virtual switching definitions */
#define VSJOIN         1
#define VSTRANSPORT    2
#define VSGETPARAMS    3
#define VSCAD          1
#define VSRXCPNAME     2
#define VSCALLSTAT     3
#define VSINVOKEID    4
#define VSCLMRKS       5
#define VSTBCTIDENT    6
#define VSETSILINKID   7
/* Errorcodes for VSETSILINKID begin */
/* Errorcodes for VSETSILINKID end */
/* -----------------------------------------------------------**
** The PROTOCOL_FEATURE_STRING in feature.h (included         **
** in prstart.sx and astart.sx) defines capabilities and      **
** features of the actual protocol code. It's used as a bit   **
** mask.                                                      **
** The following Bits are defined:                            **
** -----------------------------------------------------------*/
#define PROTCAP_TELINDUS  0x0001  /* Telindus Variant of protocol code   */
#define PROTCAP_MAN_IF    0x0002  /* Management interface implemented    */
#define PROTCAP_V_42      0x0004  /* V42 implemented                     */
#define PROTCAP_V90D      0x0008  /* V.90D (implies up to 384k DSP code) */
#define PROTCAP_EXTD_FAX  0x0010  /* Extended FAX (ECM, 2D, T6, Polling) */
#define PROTCAP_EXTD_RXFC 0x0020  /* RxFC (Extd Flow Control), OOB Chnl  */
#define PROTCAP_VOIP      0x0040  /* VoIP (implies up to 512k DSP code)  */
#define PROTCAP_CMA_ALLPR 0x0080  /* CMA support for all NL primitives   */
#define PROTCAP_FREE8     0x0100  /* not used                            */
#define PROTCAP_FREE9     0x0200  /* not used                            */
#define PROTCAP_FREE10    0x0400  /* not used                            */
#define PROTCAP_FREE11    0x0800  /* not used                            */
#define PROTCAP_FREE12    0x1000  /* not used                            */
#define PROTCAP_FREE13    0x2000  /* not used                            */
#define PROTCAP_FREE14    0x4000  /* not used                            */
#define PROTCAP_EXTENSION 0x8000  /* used for future extensions          */
/* -----------------------------------------------------------* */
/* Onhook data transmission ETS30065901 */
/* Message Type */
/*#define RESERVED4                 0x4*/
#define CALL_SETUP                0x80
/*#define RESERVED84                0x84*/
/*#define RESERVED85                0x85*/
#define ADVICE_OF_CHARGE          0x86
/*1111 0001
  1111 1111
  F1H - Reserved for network operator use
/* Parameter Types */
#define DATE_AND_TIME                                           1
#define CLI_PARAMETER_TYPE                                      2
#define NAME_PARAMETER_TYPE                                     7
#define VISUAL_INDICATOR_PARAMETER_TYPE                         0xb
#define COMPLEMENTARY_CLI_PARAMETER_TYPE                        0x10
#define CALL_TYPE_PARAMETER_TYPE                                0x11
#define FORWARDED_CALL_TYPE_PARAMETER_TYPE                      0x15
#define TYPE_OF_CALLING_USER_PARAMETER_TYPE                     0x16
#define REDIRECTING_NUMBER_PARAMETER_TYPE                       0x1a
/* -----------------------------------------------------------* */
#endif /* PC_H_INCLUDED  } */