/* * Copyright (C)2009-2012 D. R. Commander. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name of the libjpeg-turbo Project nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS", * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* TurboJPEG/OSS: this implements the TurboJPEG API using libjpeg-turbo */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #ifndef JCS_EXTENSIONS #define JPEG_INTERNAL_OPTIONS #endif #include <jpeglib.h> #include <jerror.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include "./turbojpeg.h" #define PAD(v, p) ((v+(p)-1)&(~((p)-1))) #define CSTATE_START 100 #define DSTATE_START 200 #define MEMZERO(ptr, size) memset(ptr, 0, size) #ifndef min #define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) #endif #ifndef max #define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) #endif /* Error handling (based on example in example.c) */ static char errStr[JMSG_LENGTH_MAX]="No error"; struct my_error_mgr { struct jpeg_error_mgr pub; jmp_buf setjmp_buffer; }; typedef struct my_error_mgr *my_error_ptr; static void my_error_exit(j_common_ptr cinfo) { my_error_ptr myerr=(my_error_ptr)cinfo->err; (*cinfo->err->output_message)(cinfo); longjmp(myerr->setjmp_buffer, 1); } /* Based on output_message() in jerror.c */ static void my_output_message(j_common_ptr cinfo) { (*cinfo->err->format_message)(cinfo, errStr); } /* Global structures, macros, etc. */ enum {COMPRESS=1, DECOMPRESS=2}; typedef struct _tjinstance { struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo; struct jpeg_decompress_struct dinfo; struct jpeg_destination_mgr jdst; struct jpeg_source_mgr jsrc; struct my_error_mgr jerr; int init; } tjinstance; static const int pixelsize[TJ_NUMSAMP]={3, 3, 3, 1, 3}; #define NUMSF 4 static const tjscalingfactor sf[NUMSF]={ {1, 1}, {1, 2}, {1, 4}, {1, 8} }; #define _throw(m) {snprintf(errStr, JMSG_LENGTH_MAX, "%s", m); \ retval=-1; goto bailout;} #define getinstance(handle) tjinstance *this=(tjinstance *)handle; \ j_compress_ptr cinfo=NULL; j_decompress_ptr dinfo=NULL; \ (void) cinfo; (void) dinfo; /* silence warnings */ \ if(!this) {snprintf(errStr, JMSG_LENGTH_MAX, "Invalid handle"); \ return -1;} \ cinfo=&this->cinfo; dinfo=&this->dinfo; static int getPixelFormat(int pixelSize, int flags) { if(pixelSize==1) return TJPF_GRAY; if(pixelSize==3) { if(flags&TJ_BGR) return TJPF_BGR; else return TJPF_RGB; } if(pixelSize==4) { if(flags&TJ_ALPHAFIRST) { if(flags&TJ_BGR) return TJPF_XBGR; else return TJPF_XRGB; } else { if(flags&TJ_BGR) return TJPF_BGRX; else return TJPF_RGBX; } } return -1; } static int setCompDefaults(struct jpeg_compress_struct *cinfo, int pixelFormat, int subsamp, int jpegQual) { int retval=0; switch(pixelFormat) { case TJPF_GRAY: cinfo->in_color_space=JCS_GRAYSCALE; break; #if JCS_EXTENSIONS==1 case TJPF_RGB: cinfo->in_color_space=JCS_EXT_RGB; break; case TJPF_BGR: cinfo->in_color_space=JCS_EXT_BGR; break; case TJPF_RGBX: case TJPF_RGBA: cinfo->in_color_space=JCS_EXT_RGBX; break; case TJPF_BGRX: case TJPF_BGRA: cinfo->in_color_space=JCS_EXT_BGRX; break; case TJPF_XRGB: case TJPF_ARGB: cinfo->in_color_space=JCS_EXT_XRGB; break; case TJPF_XBGR: case TJPF_ABGR: cinfo->in_color_space=JCS_EXT_XBGR; break; #else case TJPF_RGB: case TJPF_BGR: case TJPF_RGBX: case TJPF_BGRX: case TJPF_XRGB: case TJPF_XBGR: case TJPF_RGBA: case TJPF_BGRA: case TJPF_ARGB: case TJPF_ABGR: cinfo->in_color_space=JCS_RGB; pixelFormat=TJPF_RGB; break; #endif } cinfo->input_components=tjPixelSize[pixelFormat]; jpeg_set_defaults(cinfo); if(jpegQual>=0) { jpeg_set_quality(cinfo, jpegQual, TRUE); if(jpegQual>=96) cinfo->dct_method=JDCT_ISLOW; else cinfo->dct_method=JDCT_FASTEST; } if(subsamp==TJSAMP_GRAY) jpeg_set_colorspace(cinfo, JCS_GRAYSCALE); else jpeg_set_colorspace(cinfo, JCS_YCbCr); cinfo->comp_info[0].h_samp_factor=tjMCUWidth[subsamp]/8; cinfo->comp_info[1].h_samp_factor=1; cinfo->comp_info[2].h_samp_factor=1; cinfo->comp_info[0].v_samp_factor=tjMCUHeight[subsamp]/8; cinfo->comp_info[1].v_samp_factor=1; cinfo->comp_info[2].v_samp_factor=1; return retval; } static int setDecompDefaults(struct jpeg_decompress_struct *dinfo, int pixelFormat) { int retval=0; switch(pixelFormat) { case TJPF_GRAY: dinfo->out_color_space=JCS_GRAYSCALE; break; #if JCS_EXTENSIONS==1 case TJPF_RGB: dinfo->out_color_space=JCS_EXT_RGB; break; case TJPF_BGR: dinfo->out_color_space=JCS_EXT_BGR; break; case TJPF_RGBX: dinfo->out_color_space=JCS_EXT_RGBX; break; case TJPF_BGRX: dinfo->out_color_space=JCS_EXT_BGRX; break; case TJPF_XRGB: dinfo->out_color_space=JCS_EXT_XRGB; break; case TJPF_XBGR: dinfo->out_color_space=JCS_EXT_XBGR; break; #if JCS_ALPHA_EXTENSIONS==1 case TJPF_RGBA: dinfo->out_color_space=JCS_EXT_RGBA; break; case TJPF_BGRA: dinfo->out_color_space=JCS_EXT_BGRA; break; case TJPF_ARGB: dinfo->out_color_space=JCS_EXT_ARGB; break; case TJPF_ABGR: dinfo->out_color_space=JCS_EXT_ABGR; break; #endif #else case TJPF_RGB: case TJPF_BGR: case TJPF_RGBX: case TJPF_BGRX: case TJPF_XRGB: case TJPF_XBGR: case TJPF_RGBA: case TJPF_BGRA: case TJPF_ARGB: case TJPF_ABGR: dinfo->out_color_space=JCS_RGB; break; #endif default: _throw("Unsupported pixel format"); } bailout: return retval; } static int getSubsamp(j_decompress_ptr dinfo) { int retval=-1, i, k; for(i=0; i<NUMSUBOPT; i++) { if(dinfo->num_components==pixelsize[i]) { if(dinfo->comp_info[0].h_samp_factor==tjMCUWidth[i]/8 && dinfo->comp_info[0].v_samp_factor==tjMCUHeight[i]/8) { int match=0; for(k=1; k<dinfo->num_components; k++) { if(dinfo->comp_info[k].h_samp_factor==1 && dinfo->comp_info[k].v_samp_factor==1) match++; } if(match==dinfo->num_components-1) { retval=i; break; } } } } return retval; } #ifndef JCS_EXTENSIONS /* Conversion functions to emulate the colorspace extensions. This allows the TurboJPEG wrapper to be used with libjpeg */ #define TORGB(PS, ROFFSET, GOFFSET, BOFFSET) { \ int rowPad=pitch-width*PS; \ while(height--) \ { \ unsigned char *endOfRow=src+width*PS; \ while(src<endOfRow) \ { \ dst[RGB_RED]=src[ROFFSET]; \ dst[RGB_GREEN]=src[GOFFSET]; \ dst[RGB_BLUE]=src[BOFFSET]; \ dst+=RGB_PIXELSIZE; src+=PS; \ } \ src+=rowPad; \ } \ } static unsigned char *toRGB(unsigned char *src, int width, int pitch, int height, int pixelFormat, unsigned char *dst) { unsigned char *retval=src; switch(pixelFormat) { case TJPF_RGB: #if RGB_RED!=0 || RGB_GREEN!=1 || RGB_BLUE!=2 || RGB_PIXELSIZE!=3 retval=dst; TORGB(3, 0, 1, 2); #endif break; case TJPF_BGR: #if RGB_RED!=2 || RGB_GREEN!=1 || RGB_BLUE!=0 || RGB_PIXELSIZE!=3 retval=dst; TORGB(3, 2, 1, 0); #endif break; case TJPF_RGBX: case TJPF_RGBA: #if RGB_RED!=0 || RGB_GREEN!=1 || RGB_BLUE!=2 || RGB_PIXELSIZE!=4 retval=dst; TORGB(4, 0, 1, 2); #endif break; case TJPF_BGRX: case TJPF_BGRA: #if RGB_RED!=2 || RGB_GREEN!=1 || RGB_BLUE!=0 || RGB_PIXELSIZE!=4 retval=dst; TORGB(4, 2, 1, 0); #endif break; case TJPF_XRGB: case TJPF_ARGB: #if RGB_RED!=1 || RGB_GREEN!=2 || RGB_BLUE!=3 || RGB_PIXELSIZE!=4 retval=dst; TORGB(4, 1, 2, 3); #endif break; case TJPF_XBGR: case TJPF_ABGR: #if RGB_RED!=3 || RGB_GREEN!=2 || RGB_BLUE!=1 || RGB_PIXELSIZE!=4 retval=dst; TORGB(4, 3, 2, 1); #endif break; } return retval; } #define FROMRGB(PS, ROFFSET, GOFFSET, BOFFSET, SETALPHA) { \ int rowPad=pitch-width*PS; \ while(height--) \ { \ unsigned char *endOfRow=dst+width*PS; \ while(dst<endOfRow) \ { \ dst[ROFFSET]=src[RGB_RED]; \ dst[GOFFSET]=src[RGB_GREEN]; \ dst[BOFFSET]=src[RGB_BLUE]; \ SETALPHA \ dst+=PS; src+=RGB_PIXELSIZE; \ } \ dst+=rowPad; \ } \ } static void fromRGB(unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst, int width, int pitch, int height, int pixelFormat) { switch(pixelFormat) { case TJPF_RGB: #if RGB_RED!=0 || RGB_GREEN!=1 || RGB_BLUE!=2 || RGB_PIXELSIZE!=3 FROMRGB(3, 0, 1, 2,); #endif break; case TJPF_BGR: #if RGB_RED!=2 || RGB_GREEN!=1 || RGB_BLUE!=0 || RGB_PIXELSIZE!=3 FROMRGB(3, 2, 1, 0,); #endif break; case TJPF_RGBX: #if RGB_RED!=0 || RGB_GREEN!=1 || RGB_BLUE!=2 || RGB_PIXELSIZE!=4 FROMRGB(4, 0, 1, 2,); #endif break; case TJPF_RGBA: #if RGB_RED!=0 || RGB_GREEN!=1 || RGB_BLUE!=2 || RGB_PIXELSIZE!=4 FROMRGB(4, 0, 1, 2, dst[3]=0xFF;); #endif break; case TJPF_BGRX: #if RGB_RED!=2 || RGB_GREEN!=1 || RGB_BLUE!=0 || RGB_PIXELSIZE!=4 FROMRGB(4, 2, 1, 0,); #endif break; case TJPF_BGRA: #if RGB_RED!=2 || RGB_GREEN!=1 || RGB_BLUE!=0 || RGB_PIXELSIZE!=4 FROMRGB(4, 2, 1, 0, dst[3]=0xFF;); return; #endif break; case TJPF_XRGB: #if RGB_RED!=1 || RGB_GREEN!=2 || RGB_BLUE!=3 || RGB_PIXELSIZE!=4 FROMRGB(4, 1, 2, 3,); return; #endif break; case TJPF_ARGB: #if RGB_RED!=1 || RGB_GREEN!=2 || RGB_BLUE!=3 || RGB_PIXELSIZE!=4 FROMRGB(4, 1, 2, 3, dst[0]=0xFF;); return; #endif break; case TJPF_XBGR: #if RGB_RED!=3 || RGB_GREEN!=2 || RGB_BLUE!=1 || RGB_PIXELSIZE!=4 FROMRGB(4, 3, 2, 1,); return; #endif break; case TJPF_ABGR: #if RGB_RED!=3 || RGB_GREEN!=2 || RGB_BLUE!=1 || RGB_PIXELSIZE!=4 FROMRGB(4, 3, 2, 1, dst[0]=0xFF;); return; #endif break; } } #endif /* General API functions */ DLLEXPORT char* DLLCALL tjGetErrorStr(void) { return errStr; } DLLEXPORT int DLLCALL tjDestroy(tjhandle handle) { getinstance(handle); if(setjmp(this->jerr.setjmp_buffer)) return -1; if(this->init&COMPRESS) jpeg_destroy_compress(cinfo); if(this->init&DECOMPRESS) jpeg_destroy_decompress(dinfo); free(this); return 0; } /* Compressor */ static boolean empty_output_buffer(j_compress_ptr cinfo) { ERREXIT(cinfo, JERR_BUFFER_SIZE); return TRUE; } static void dst_noop(j_compress_ptr cinfo) { } static tjhandle _tjInitCompress(tjinstance *this) { /* This is also straight out of example.c */ this->cinfo.err=jpeg_std_error(&this->jerr.pub); this->jerr.pub.error_exit=my_error_exit; this->jerr.pub.output_message=my_output_message; if(setjmp(this->jerr.setjmp_buffer)) { /* If we get here, the JPEG code has signaled an error. */ if(this) free(this); return NULL; } jpeg_create_compress(&this->cinfo); this->cinfo.dest=&this->jdst; this->jdst.init_destination=dst_noop; this->jdst.empty_output_buffer=empty_output_buffer; this->jdst.term_destination=dst_noop; this->init|=COMPRESS; return (tjhandle)this; } DLLEXPORT tjhandle DLLCALL tjInitCompress(void) { tjinstance *this=NULL; if((this=(tjinstance *)malloc(sizeof(tjinstance)))==NULL) { snprintf(errStr, JMSG_LENGTH_MAX, "tjInitCompress(): Memory allocation failure"); return NULL; } MEMZERO(this, sizeof(tjinstance)); return _tjInitCompress(this); } DLLEXPORT unsigned long DLLCALL tjBufSize(int width, int height, int jpegSubsamp) { unsigned long retval=0; int mcuw, mcuh, chromasf; if(width<1 || height<1 || jpegSubsamp<0 || jpegSubsamp>=NUMSUBOPT) _throw("tjBufSize(): Invalid argument"); /* * This allows for rare corner cases in which a JPEG image can actually be * larger than the uncompressed input (we wouldn't mention it if it hadn't * happened before.) */ mcuw=tjMCUWidth[jpegSubsamp]; mcuh=tjMCUHeight[jpegSubsamp]; chromasf=jpegSubsamp==TJSAMP_GRAY? 0: 4*64/(mcuw*mcuh); retval=PAD(width, mcuw) * PAD(height, mcuh) * (2 + chromasf) + 2048; bailout: return retval; } DLLEXPORT unsigned long DLLCALL TJBUFSIZE(int width, int height) { unsigned long retval=0; if(width<1 || height<1) _throw("TJBUFSIZE(): Invalid argument"); /* * This allows for rare corner cases in which a JPEG image can actually be * larger than the uncompressed input (we wouldn't mention it if it hadn't * happened before.) */ retval=PAD(width, 16) * PAD(height, 16) * 6 + 2048; bailout: return retval; } DLLEXPORT int DLLCALL tjCompress2(tjhandle handle, unsigned char *srcBuf, int width, int pitch, int height, int pixelFormat, unsigned char **jpegBuf, unsigned long *jpegSize, int jpegSubsamp, int jpegQual, int flags) { int i, retval=0; JSAMPROW *row_pointer=NULL; #ifndef JCS_EXTENSIONS unsigned char *rgbBuf=NULL; #endif getinstance(handle) if((this->init&COMPRESS)==0) _throw("tjCompress2(): Instance has not been initialized for compression"); if(srcBuf==NULL || width<=0 || pitch<0 || height<=0 || pixelFormat<0 || pixelFormat>=TJ_NUMPF || jpegBuf==NULL || jpegSize==NULL || jpegSubsamp<0 || jpegSubsamp>=NUMSUBOPT || jpegQual<0 || jpegQual>100) _throw("tjCompress2(): Invalid argument"); if(setjmp(this->jerr.setjmp_buffer)) { /* If we get here, the JPEG code has signaled an error. */ retval=-1; goto bailout; } if(pitch==0) pitch=width*tjPixelSize[pixelFormat]; #ifndef JCS_EXTENSIONS if(pixelFormat!=TJPF_GRAY) { rgbBuf=(unsigned char *)malloc(width*height*RGB_PIXELSIZE); if(!rgbBuf) _throw("tjCompress2(): Memory allocation failure"); srcBuf=toRGB(srcBuf, width, pitch, height, pixelFormat, rgbBuf); pitch=width*RGB_PIXELSIZE; } #endif cinfo->image_width=width; cinfo->image_height=height; if(flags&TJFLAG_FORCEMMX) putenv("JSIMD_FORCEMMX=1"); else if(flags&TJFLAG_FORCESSE) putenv("JSIMD_FORCESSE=1"); else if(flags&TJFLAG_FORCESSE2) putenv("JSIMD_FORCESSE2=1"); if(setCompDefaults(cinfo, pixelFormat, jpegSubsamp, jpegQual)==-1) return -1; this->jdst.next_output_byte=*jpegBuf; this->jdst.free_in_buffer=tjBufSize(width, height, jpegSubsamp); jpeg_start_compress(cinfo, TRUE); if((row_pointer=(JSAMPROW *)malloc(sizeof(JSAMPROW)*height))==NULL) _throw("tjCompress2(): Memory allocation failure"); for(i=0; i<height; i++) { if(flags&TJFLAG_BOTTOMUP) row_pointer[i]=&srcBuf[(height-i-1)*pitch]; else row_pointer[i]=&srcBuf[i*pitch]; } while(cinfo->next_scanline<cinfo->image_height) { jpeg_write_scanlines(cinfo, &row_pointer[cinfo->next_scanline], cinfo->image_height-cinfo->next_scanline); } jpeg_finish_compress(cinfo); *jpegSize=tjBufSize(width, height, jpegSubsamp) -(unsigned long)(this->jdst.free_in_buffer); bailout: if(cinfo->global_state>CSTATE_START) jpeg_abort_compress(cinfo); #ifndef JCS_EXTENSIONS if(rgbBuf) free(rgbBuf); #endif if(row_pointer) free(row_pointer); return retval; } DLLEXPORT int DLLCALL tjCompress(tjhandle handle, unsigned char *srcBuf, int width, int pitch, int height, int pixelSize, unsigned char *jpegBuf, unsigned long *jpegSize, int jpegSubsamp, int jpegQual, int flags) { int retval=0; unsigned long size = 0; retval=tjCompress2(handle, srcBuf, width, pitch, height, getPixelFormat(pixelSize, flags), &jpegBuf, &size, jpegSubsamp, jpegQual, flags); *jpegSize=size; return retval; } /* Decompressor */ static boolean fill_input_buffer(j_decompress_ptr dinfo) { ERREXIT(dinfo, JERR_BUFFER_SIZE); return TRUE; } static void skip_input_data(j_decompress_ptr dinfo, long num_bytes) { dinfo->src->next_input_byte += (size_t) num_bytes; dinfo->src->bytes_in_buffer -= (size_t) num_bytes; } static void src_noop(j_decompress_ptr dinfo) { } static tjhandle _tjInitDecompress(tjinstance *this) { /* This is also straight out of example.c */ this->dinfo.err=jpeg_std_error(&this->jerr.pub); this->jerr.pub.error_exit=my_error_exit; this->jerr.pub.output_message=my_output_message; if(setjmp(this->jerr.setjmp_buffer)) { /* If we get here, the JPEG code has signaled an error. */ if(this) free(this); return NULL; } jpeg_create_decompress(&this->dinfo); this->dinfo.src=&this->jsrc; this->jsrc.init_source=src_noop; this->jsrc.fill_input_buffer=fill_input_buffer; this->jsrc.skip_input_data=skip_input_data; this->jsrc.resync_to_restart=jpeg_resync_to_restart; this->jsrc.term_source=src_noop; this->init|=DECOMPRESS; return (tjhandle)this; } DLLEXPORT tjhandle DLLCALL tjInitDecompress(void) { tjinstance *this; if((this=(tjinstance *)malloc(sizeof(tjinstance)))==NULL) { snprintf(errStr, JMSG_LENGTH_MAX, "tjInitDecompress(): Memory allocation failure"); return NULL; } MEMZERO(this, sizeof(tjinstance)); return _tjInitDecompress(this); } DLLEXPORT int DLLCALL tjDecompressHeader2(tjhandle handle, unsigned char *jpegBuf, unsigned long jpegSize, int *width, int *height, int *jpegSubsamp) { int retval=0; getinstance(handle); if((this->init&DECOMPRESS)==0) _throw("tjDecompressHeader2(): Instance has not been initialized for decompression"); if(jpegBuf==NULL || jpegSize<=0 || width==NULL || height==NULL || jpegSubsamp==NULL) _throw("tjDecompressHeader2(): Invalid argument"); if(setjmp(this->jerr.setjmp_buffer)) { /* If we get here, the JPEG code has signaled an error. */ return -1; } this->jsrc.bytes_in_buffer=jpegSize; this->jsrc.next_input_byte=jpegBuf; jpeg_read_header(dinfo, TRUE); *width=dinfo->image_width; *height=dinfo->image_height; *jpegSubsamp=getSubsamp(dinfo); jpeg_abort_decompress(dinfo); if(*jpegSubsamp<0) _throw("tjDecompressHeader2(): Could not determine subsampling type for JPEG image"); if(*width<1 || *height<1) _throw("tjDecompressHeader2(): Invalid data returned in header"); bailout: return retval; } DLLEXPORT int DLLCALL tjDecompressHeader(tjhandle handle, unsigned char *jpegBuf, unsigned long jpegSize, int *width, int *height) { int jpegSubsamp; return tjDecompressHeader2(handle, jpegBuf, jpegSize, width, height, &jpegSubsamp); } DLLEXPORT tjscalingfactor* DLLCALL tjGetScalingFactors(int *numscalingfactors) { if(numscalingfactors==NULL) { snprintf(errStr, JMSG_LENGTH_MAX, "tjGetScalingFactors(): Invalid argument"); return NULL; } *numscalingfactors=NUMSF; return (tjscalingfactor *)sf; } DLLEXPORT int DLLCALL tjDecompress2(tjhandle handle, unsigned char *jpegBuf, unsigned long jpegSize, unsigned char *dstBuf, int width, int pitch, int height, int pixelFormat, int flags) { int i, retval=0; JSAMPROW *row_pointer=NULL; int jpegwidth, jpegheight, scaledw, scaledh; #ifndef JCS_EXTENSIONS unsigned char *rgbBuf=NULL; unsigned char *_dstBuf=NULL; int _pitch=0; #endif getinstance(handle); if((this->init&DECOMPRESS)==0) _throw("tjDecompress2(): Instance has not been initialized for decompression"); if(jpegBuf==NULL || jpegSize<=0 || dstBuf==NULL || width<0 || pitch<0 || height<0 || pixelFormat<0 || pixelFormat>=TJ_NUMPF) _throw("tjDecompress2(): Invalid argument"); if(flags&TJFLAG_FORCEMMX) putenv("JSIMD_FORCEMMX=1"); else if(flags&TJFLAG_FORCESSE) putenv("JSIMD_FORCESSE=1"); else if(flags&TJFLAG_FORCESSE2) putenv("JSIMD_FORCESSE2=1"); if(setjmp(this->jerr.setjmp_buffer)) { /* If we get here, the JPEG code has signaled an error. */ retval=-1; goto bailout; } this->jsrc.bytes_in_buffer=jpegSize; this->jsrc.next_input_byte=jpegBuf; jpeg_read_header(dinfo, TRUE); if(setDecompDefaults(dinfo, pixelFormat)==-1) { retval=-1; goto bailout; } if(flags&TJFLAG_FASTUPSAMPLE) dinfo->do_fancy_upsampling=FALSE; jpegwidth=dinfo->image_width; jpegheight=dinfo->image_height; if(width==0) width=jpegwidth; if(height==0) height=jpegheight; for(i=0; i<NUMSF; i++) { scaledw=TJSCALED(jpegwidth, sf[i]); scaledh=TJSCALED(jpegheight, sf[i]); if(scaledw<=width && scaledh<=height) break; } if(scaledw>width || scaledh>height) _throw("tjDecompress2(): Could not scale down to desired image dimensions"); #ifndef JCS_EXTENSIONS width=scaledw; height=scaledh; #endif dinfo->scale_num=sf[i].num; dinfo->scale_denom=sf[i].denom; jpeg_start_decompress(dinfo); if(pitch==0) pitch=dinfo->output_width*tjPixelSize[pixelFormat]; #ifndef JCS_EXTENSIONS if(pixelFormat!=TJPF_GRAY && (RGB_RED!=tjRedOffset[pixelFormat] || RGB_GREEN!=tjGreenOffset[pixelFormat] || RGB_BLUE!=tjBlueOffset[pixelFormat] || RGB_PIXELSIZE!=tjPixelSize[pixelFormat])) { rgbBuf=(unsigned char *)malloc(width*height*3); if(!rgbBuf) _throw("tjDecompress2(): Memory allocation failure"); _pitch=pitch; pitch=width*3; _dstBuf=dstBuf; dstBuf=rgbBuf; } #endif if((row_pointer=(JSAMPROW *)malloc(sizeof(JSAMPROW) *dinfo->output_height))==NULL) _throw("tjDecompress2(): Memory allocation failure"); for(i=0; i<(int)dinfo->output_height; i++) { if(flags&TJFLAG_BOTTOMUP) row_pointer[i]=&dstBuf[(dinfo->output_height-i-1)*pitch]; else row_pointer[i]=&dstBuf[i*pitch]; } while(dinfo->output_scanline<dinfo->output_height) { jpeg_read_scanlines(dinfo, &row_pointer[dinfo->output_scanline], dinfo->output_height-dinfo->output_scanline); } jpeg_finish_decompress(dinfo); #ifndef JCS_EXTENSIONS fromRGB(rgbBuf, _dstBuf, width, _pitch, height, pixelFormat); #endif bailout: if(dinfo->global_state>DSTATE_START) jpeg_abort_decompress(dinfo); #ifndef JCS_EXTENSIONS if(rgbBuf) free(rgbBuf); #endif if(row_pointer) free(row_pointer); return retval; } DLLEXPORT int DLLCALL tjDecompress(tjhandle handle, unsigned char *jpegBuf, unsigned long jpegSize, unsigned char *dstBuf, int width, int pitch, int height, int pixelSize, int flags) { return tjDecompress2(handle, jpegBuf, jpegSize, dstBuf, width, pitch, height, getPixelFormat(pixelSize, flags), flags); }