/* * Copyright (C) 2003 ETC s.r.o. * * This code was inspired by Marius Groeger and Kyle Harris code * available in other board ports for U-Boot * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ * * Written by Peter Figuli <peposh@etc.sk>, 2003. */ #include <common.h> #include "intel.h" /* * This code should handle CFI FLASH memory device. This code is very * minimalistic approach without many essential error handling code as well. * Because U-Boot actually is missing smart handling of FLASH device, * we just set flash_id to anything else to FLASH_UNKNOW, so common code * can call us without any restrictions. * TODO: Add CFI Query, to be able to determine FLASH device. * TODO: Add error handling code * NOTE: This code was tested with BUS_WIDTH 4 and ITERLEAVE 2 only, but * hopefully may work with other configurations. */ #if ( SCB9328_FLASH_BUS_WIDTH == 1 ) # define FLASH_BUS vu_char # define FLASH_BUS_RET u_char # if ( SCB9328_FLASH_INTERLEAVE == 1 ) # define FLASH_CMD( x ) x # else # error "With 8bit bus only one chip is allowed" # endif #elif ( SCB9328_FLASH_BUS_WIDTH == 2 ) # define FLASH_BUS vu_short # define FLASH_BUS_RET u_short # if ( SCB9328_FLASH_INTERLEAVE == 1 ) # define FLASH_CMD( x ) x # elif ( SCB9328_FLASH_INTERLEAVE == 2 ) # define FLASH_CMD( x ) (( x << 8 )| x ) # else # error "With 16bit bus only 1 or 2 chip(s) are allowed" # endif #elif ( SCB9328_FLASH_BUS_WIDTH == 4 ) # define FLASH_BUS vu_long # define FLASH_BUS_RET u_long # if ( SCB9328_FLASH_INTERLEAVE == 1 ) # define FLASH_CMD( x ) x # elif ( SCB9328_FLASH_INTERLEAVE == 2 ) # define FLASH_CMD( x ) (( x << 16 )| x ) # elif ( SCB9328_FLASH_INTERLEAVE == 4 ) # define FLASH_CMD( x ) (( x << 24 )|( x << 16 ) ( x << 8 )| x ) # else # error "With 32bit bus only 1,2 or 4 chip(s) are allowed" # endif #else # error "Flash bus width might be 1,2,4 for 8,16,32 bit configuration" #endif flash_info_t flash_info[CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_BANKS]; static FLASH_BUS_RET flash_status_reg (void) { FLASH_BUS *addr = (FLASH_BUS *) 0; /* cppcheck-suppress nullPointer */ *addr = FLASH_CMD (CFI_INTEL_CMD_READ_STATUS_REGISTER); /* cppcheck-suppress nullPointer */ return *addr; } static int flash_ready (ulong timeout) { int ok = 1; ulong start; start = get_timer(0); while ((flash_status_reg () & FLASH_CMD (CFI_INTEL_SR_READY)) != FLASH_CMD (CFI_INTEL_SR_READY)) { if (get_timer(start) > timeout && timeout != 0) { ok = 0; break; } } return ok; } #if ( CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_BANKS != 1 ) # error "SCB9328 platform has only one flash bank!" #endif ulong flash_init (void) { int i; unsigned long address = SCB9328_FLASH_BASE; flash_info[0].size = SCB9328_FLASH_BANK_SIZE; flash_info[0].sector_count = CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_SECT; flash_info[0].flash_id = INTEL_MANUFACT; memset (flash_info[0].protect, 0, CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_SECT); for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_SECT; i++) { flash_info[0].start[i] = address; #ifdef SCB9328_FLASH_UNLOCK /* Some devices are hw locked after start. */ *((FLASH_BUS *) address) = FLASH_CMD (CFI_INTEL_CMD_LOCK_SETUP); *((FLASH_BUS *) address) = FLASH_CMD (CFI_INTEL_CMD_UNLOCK_BLOCK); flash_ready (0); *((FLASH_BUS *) address) = FLASH_CMD (CFI_INTEL_CMD_READ_ARRAY); #endif address += SCB9328_FLASH_SECT_SIZE; } flash_protect (FLAG_PROTECT_SET, CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_BASE, CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_BASE + monitor_flash_len - 1, &flash_info[0]); flash_protect (FLAG_PROTECT_SET, CONFIG_ENV_ADDR, CONFIG_ENV_ADDR + CONFIG_ENV_SIZE - 1, &flash_info[0]); return SCB9328_FLASH_BANK_SIZE; } void flash_print_info (flash_info_t * info) { int i; printf (" Intel vendor\n"); printf (" Size: %ld MB in %d Sectors\n", info->size >> 20, info->sector_count); printf (" Sector Start Addresses:"); for (i = 0; i < info->sector_count; i++) { if (!(i % 5)) { printf ("\n"); } printf (" %08lX%s", info->start[i], info->protect[i] ? " (RO)" : " "); } printf ("\n"); } int flash_erase (flash_info_t * info, int s_first, int s_last) { int flag, non_protected = 0, sector; int rc = ERR_OK; FLASH_BUS *address; for (sector = s_first; sector <= s_last; sector++) { if (!info->protect[sector]) { non_protected++; } } if (!non_protected) { return ERR_PROTECTED; } /* * Disable interrupts which might cause a timeout * here. Remember that our exception vectors are * at address 0 in the flash, and we don't want a * (ticker) exception to happen while the flash * chip is in programming mode. */ flag = disable_interrupts (); /* Start erase on unprotected sectors */ for (sector = s_first; sector <= s_last && !ctrlc (); sector++) { if (info->protect[sector]) { printf ("Protected sector %2d skipping...\n", sector); continue; } else { printf ("Erasing sector %2d ... ", sector); } address = (FLASH_BUS *) (info->start[sector]); *address = FLASH_CMD (CFI_INTEL_CMD_BLOCK_ERASE); *address = FLASH_CMD (CFI_INTEL_CMD_CONFIRM); if (flash_ready (CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT)) { *address = FLASH_CMD (CFI_INTEL_CMD_CLEAR_STATUS_REGISTER); printf ("ok.\n"); } else { *address = FLASH_CMD (CFI_INTEL_CMD_SUSPEND); rc = ERR_TIMOUT; printf ("timeout! Aborting...\n"); break; } *address = FLASH_CMD (CFI_INTEL_CMD_READ_ARRAY); } if (ctrlc ()) printf ("User Interrupt!\n"); /* allow flash to settle - wait 10 ms */ udelay_masked (10000); if (flag) { enable_interrupts (); } return rc; } static int write_data (flash_info_t * info, ulong dest, FLASH_BUS data) { FLASH_BUS *address = (FLASH_BUS *) dest; int rc = ERR_OK; int flag; /* Check if Flash is (sufficiently) erased */ if ((*address & data) != data) { return ERR_NOT_ERASED; } /* * Disable interrupts which might cause a timeout * here. Remember that our exception vectors are * at address 0 in the flash, and we don't want a * (ticker) exception to happen while the flash * chip is in programming mode. */ flag = disable_interrupts (); *address = FLASH_CMD (CFI_INTEL_CMD_CLEAR_STATUS_REGISTER); *address = FLASH_CMD (CFI_INTEL_CMD_PROGRAM1); *address = data; if (!flash_ready (CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT)) { *address = FLASH_CMD (CFI_INTEL_CMD_SUSPEND); rc = ERR_TIMOUT; printf ("timeout! Aborting...\n"); } *address = FLASH_CMD (CFI_INTEL_CMD_READ_ARRAY); if (flag) { enable_interrupts (); } return rc; } int write_buff (flash_info_t * info, uchar * src, ulong addr, ulong cnt) { ulong read_addr, write_addr; FLASH_BUS data; int i, result = ERR_OK; read_addr = addr & ~(sizeof (FLASH_BUS) - 1); write_addr = read_addr; if (read_addr != addr) { data = 0; for (i = 0; i < sizeof (FLASH_BUS); i++) { if (read_addr < addr || cnt == 0) { data |= *((uchar *) read_addr) << i * 8; } else { data |= (*src++) << i * 8; cnt--; } read_addr++; } if ((result = write_data (info, write_addr, data)) != ERR_OK) { return result; } write_addr += sizeof (FLASH_BUS); } for (; cnt >= sizeof (FLASH_BUS); cnt -= sizeof (FLASH_BUS)) { if ((result = write_data (info, write_addr, *((FLASH_BUS *) src))) != ERR_OK) { return result; } write_addr += sizeof (FLASH_BUS); src += sizeof (FLASH_BUS); } if (cnt > 0) { read_addr = write_addr; data = 0; for (i = 0; i < sizeof (FLASH_BUS); i++) { if (cnt > 0) { data |= (*src++) << i * 8; cnt--; } else { data |= *((uchar *) read_addr) << i * 8; } read_addr++; } if ((result = write_data (info, write_addr, data)) != 0) { return result; } } return ERR_OK; }