/* * This is the MCC library header file * * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ and/or BSD-3-Clause * The GPL-2.0+ license for this file can be found in the COPYING.GPL file * included with this distribution or at * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * The BSD-3-Clause License for this file can be found in the COPYING.BSD file * included with this distribution or at * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause */ #ifndef __MCC_COMMON__ #define __MCC_COMMON__ #define MCC_INIT_STRING "mccisrd" #define MCC_VERSION_STRING "002.000" #define null ((void*)0) /*! * \brief MCC_BOOLEAN type. * * Boolean type definiton for the MCC library. */ typedef unsigned int MCC_BOOLEAN; /*! * \brief MCC_MEM_SIZE type. * * Mem size type definiton for the MCC library. */ typedef unsigned int MCC_MEM_SIZE; /*! * \brief MCC_CORE type. * * This unsigned integer value specifies the core number for the endpoint definition. * * \see MCC_NODE * \see MCC_PORT * \see MCC_ENDPOINT */ typedef unsigned int MCC_CORE; /*! * \brief MCC_NODE type. * * This unsigned integer value specifies the node number for the endpoint definition. * * \see MCC_CORE * \see MCC_PORT * \see MCC_ENDPOINT */ typedef unsigned int MCC_NODE; /*! * \brief MCC_PORT type. * * This unsigned integer value specifies the port number for the endpoint definition. * * \see MCC_CORE * \see MCC_NODE * \see MCC_ENDPOINT */ typedef unsigned int MCC_PORT; #if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) __packed #endif /*! * \brief Endpoint structure. * * Endpoints are receive buffer queues, implemented in shared RAM, * and are addressed by a triplet containing core, node, and port. * * \see MCC_BOOKEEPING_STRUCT * \see MCC_CORE * \see MCC_NODE * \see MCC_PORT */ struct mcc_endpoint { /*! \brief Core number - identifies the core within the processor */ MCC_CORE core; /*! \brief Node number - in Linux any user process participating in MCC is a unique node; MQX has only one node */ MCC_NODE node; /*! \brief Port number - both Linux and MQX can have an arbitrary number of ports per node */ MCC_PORT port; #if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) }; #else }__attribute__((packed)); #endif typedef struct mcc_endpoint MCC_ENDPOINT; #if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) __packed #endif /*! * \brief Receive buffer structure. * * This is the receive buffer structure used for exchanging data. * * \see MCC_BOOKEEPING_STRUCT */ struct mcc_receive_buffer { /*! \brief Pointer to the next receive buffer */ struct mcc_receive_buffer *next; /*! \brief Source endpoint */ MCC_ENDPOINT source; /*! \brief Length of data stored in this buffer */ MCC_MEM_SIZE data_len; /*! \brief Space for data storage */ char data [MCC_ATTR_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES]; #if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) }; #else }__attribute__((packed)); #endif typedef struct mcc_receive_buffer MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER; #if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) __packed #endif /*! * \brief List of buffers. * * Each endpoint keeps the list of received buffers. * The list of free buffers is kept in bookkeeping data structure. * * \see MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER * \see MCC_BOOKEEPING_STRUCT */ struct mcc_receive_list { /*! \brief Head of a buffers list */ MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER * head; /*! \brief Tail of a buffers list */ MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER * tail; #if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) }; #else }__attribute__((packed)); #endif typedef struct mcc_receive_list MCC_RECEIVE_LIST; #define BUFFER_QUEUED (0) #define BUFFER_FREED (1) typedef unsigned int MCC_SIGNAL_TYPE; #if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) __packed #endif /*! * \brief Signals and signal queues. * * This is one item of a signal queue. * * \see MCC_SIGNAL_TYPE * \see MCC_ENDPOINT * \see MCC_BOOKEEPING_STRUCT */ struct mcc_signal { /*! \brief Signal type - BUFFER_QUEUED or BUFFER_FREED */ MCC_SIGNAL_TYPE type; /*! \brief Destination endpoint */ MCC_ENDPOINT destination; #if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) }; #else }__attribute__((packed)); #endif typedef struct mcc_signal MCC_SIGNAL; #if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) __packed #endif /*! * \brief Endpoint registration table. * * This is used for matching each endpoint structure with it's list of received buffers. * * \see MCC_ENDPOINT * \see MCC_RECEIVE_LIST * \see MCC_BOOKEEPING_STRUCT */ struct mcc_endpoint_map_item { /*! \brief Endpoint tripplet */ MCC_ENDPOINT endpoint; /*! \brief List of received buffers */ MCC_RECEIVE_LIST list; #if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) }; #else }__attribute__((packed)); #endif typedef struct mcc_endpoint_map_item MCC_ENDPOINT_MAP_ITEM; #if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) __packed #endif /*! * \brief MCC info structure. * * This is used for additional information about the MCC implementation. * * \see MCC_BOOKEEPING_STRUCT */ struct mcc_info_struct { /*! \brief <major>.<minor> - minor is changed whenever patched, major indicates compatibility */ char version_string[sizeof(MCC_VERSION_STRING)]; #if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) }; #else }__attribute__((packed)); #endif typedef struct mcc_info_struct MCC_INFO_STRUCT; #if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) __packed #endif /*! * \brief Share Memory data - Bookkeeping data and buffers. * * This is used for "bookkeeping data" such as endpoint and signal queue head * and tail pointers and fixed size data buffers. The whole mcc_bookeeping_struct * as well as each individual structure members has to be defined and stored in the * memory as packed structure. This way, the same structure member offsets will be ensured * on all cores/OSes/compilers. Compiler-specific pragmas for data packing have to be applied. * * \see MCC_RECEIVE_LIST * \see MCC_SIGNAL * \see MCC_ENDPOINT_MAP_ITEM * \see MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER */ struct mcc_bookeeping_struct { /*! \brief String that indicates if this structure has been already initialized */ char init_string[sizeof(MCC_INIT_STRING)]; /*! \brief String that indicates the MCC library version */ char version_string[sizeof(MCC_VERSION_STRING)]; /*! \brief List of free buffers */ MCC_RECEIVE_LIST free_list; /*! \brief Each core has it's own queue of received signals */ MCC_SIGNAL signals_received[MCC_NUM_CORES][MCC_MAX_OUTSTANDING_SIGNALS]; /*! \brief Signal queue head for each core */ unsigned int signal_queue_head[MCC_NUM_CORES]; /*! \brief Signal queue tail for each core */ unsigned int signal_queue_tail[MCC_NUM_CORES]; /*! \brief Endpoint map */ MCC_ENDPOINT_MAP_ITEM endpoint_table[MCC_ATTR_MAX_RECEIVE_ENDPOINTS]; /*! \brief Receive buffers, the number is defined in mcc_config.h (MCC_ATTR_NUM_RECEIVE_BUFFERS) */ MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER r_buffers[MCC_ATTR_NUM_RECEIVE_BUFFERS]; #if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) }; #else }__attribute__((packed)); #endif typedef struct mcc_bookeeping_struct MCC_BOOKEEPING_STRUCT; extern MCC_BOOKEEPING_STRUCT * bookeeping_data; /* * Common Macros */ #define MCC_RESERVED_PORT_NUMBER (0) #define MCC_MAX_RECEIVE_ENDPOINTS_COUNT (255) /* * Errors */ #define MCC_SUCCESS (0) /* function returned successfully */ #define MCC_ERR_TIMEOUT (1) /* blocking function timed out before completing */ #define MCC_ERR_INVAL (2) /* invalid input parameter */ #define MCC_ERR_NOMEM (3) /* out of shared memory for message transmission */ #define MCC_ERR_ENDPOINT (4) /* invalid endpoint / endpoint doesn't exist */ #define MCC_ERR_SEMAPHORE (5) /* semaphore handling error */ #define MCC_ERR_DEV (6) /* Device Open Error */ #define MCC_ERR_INT (7) /* Interrupt Error */ #define MCC_ERR_SQ_FULL (8) /* Signal queue is full */ #define MCC_ERR_SQ_EMPTY (9) /* Signal queue is empty */ #define MCC_ERR_VERSION (10) /* Incorrect MCC version used - compatibility issue */ #define MCC_ERR_OSSYNC (11) /* OS-dependent synchronization module issue */ /* * OS Selection */ #define MCC_LINUX (1) /* Linux OS used */ #define MCC_MQX (2) /* MQX RTOS used */ MCC_RECEIVE_LIST * mcc_get_endpoint_list(MCC_ENDPOINT endpoint); MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER * mcc_dequeue_buffer(MCC_RECEIVE_LIST *list); void mcc_queue_buffer(MCC_RECEIVE_LIST *list, MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER * r_buffer); int mcc_remove_endpoint(MCC_ENDPOINT endpoint); int mcc_register_endpoint(MCC_ENDPOINT endpoint); int mcc_queue_signal(MCC_CORE core, MCC_SIGNAL signal); int mcc_dequeue_signal(MCC_CORE core, MCC_SIGNAL *signal); #define MCC_SIGNAL_QUEUE_FULL(core) (((bookeeping_data->signal_queue_tail[core] + 1) % MCC_MAX_OUTSTANDING_SIGNALS) == bookeeping_data->signal_queue_head[core]) #define MCC_SIGNAL_QUEUE_EMPTY(core) (bookeeping_data->signal_queue_head[core] == bookeeping_data->signal_queue_tail[core]) #define MCC_ENDPOINTS_EQUAL(e1, e2) ((e1.core == e2.core) && (e1.node == e2.node) && (e1.port == e2.port)) #if (MCC_ATTR_MAX_RECEIVE_ENDPOINTS > MCC_MAX_RECEIVE_ENDPOINTS_COUNT) #error User-defined maximum number of endpoints can not exceed the value of MCC_MAX_RECEIVE_ENDPOINTS_COUNT #endif #endif /* __MCC_COMMON__ */