AdjustmentWindowService Mode(Enginner Mode) -> correctioncorrectionDo you confirm the change of all settings
to factory default values?Test is completed.AutoCookCheckConfigWindowmainwindowDecreaseIncreaseSteamAutoCookCheckWindowMainwindowCore Thermometer InsertingFood Material StackingCuttingWater PouringAutoCookConfigWindowIncreaseDecreaseSteamDo you want to add it to bookmark?AutoCookSelectionPopupFormcookAutoCookSettingWidgetIncreaseSteamDecreaseAutoCookWindowPreheatFollow-up process optionInserting core thermometerStacking Food MaterialsCuttingPouring WaterPlease close the doorMonitoring stage 1 of door open time during cooking Monitoring stage 2 of door open time during cookingThe door is opened for a long time, so cooking is cancelled Monitoring stage 3 of door open time during cookingMonitoring of door open time during stacking Stage 1Monitoring of door open time during stackingStage 2Monitoring of door open time during stacking Stage 3Cooking stops and the system goes to config mode
Do you want to proceed?Do you want to add it to bookmark?Cooking stops and the system goes to
automatic cleaning mode Do you want to proceed?BasicSettingWindowService Mode (Engineer Mode) > Product Model Setting Basic SettingsEM-2Water quantity after removing steam generator manual scaleSmall Pump Motor ModeSmall Pump Motor Interval Time SettingDry Heat Quenching Operation TemperatureSteam Quenching Operation TemperatureDrain Ball ValveSetting DivisionSettingsConditionBurnerTestWindowSTART0100%150℃Service Mode(Engineer Mode) > Function Test > HeatingComponentTestWindowSTARTComponent > SpeakerComponent > Indoor LightComponent > Humidity Control DamperService Mode (Engineer Mode) > Function Test > ComponentConfigDo you want to reset all the sound setting values
to factory setting values?Do you want to delete all programs?잔여시간Remaining Time타겟시간Target TimeCentigradeFahrenheit설정취소Cancel설정Set비활성Disenable활성화Enable끄기Off켜기OnModel NameDate of ManufacturingCountry of ManufacturingCompany of ManufacturingModel NoSoftware VersionCurrent model ContactNameLocation%1 MinNo.%1Factory ResetInsert USBResetStage%1InformationRinsingEngineer ModeLanguage SettingDate and TimeTemperature UnitScreen BrightnessStop Delay of Condensation Type HoodWeight of the dish for one-dish mealWeight of the dish for a banquetNumber of ILC cooking rackSequence of ILC cooking rackILC cooking temperature and humidity standby timeCooking time formatReal time unit settingRemaining time change settingMaster VolumeKeypad Sound - 1Keypad VolumeStacking/Execution RequestProgram Stage FinishCooking Time FinishProcess Stop/Error IdentificationSound Setting ResetHACCP Data DownloadInfo Data DownloadService Data DownloadProgram DownloadProgram UploadDelete All Programs IP AddressIP GatewayIP NetmaskBasic Settings DownloadBasic Settings UploadHalf EnergyAuto Decrease BacklightStandby Time during StackingMandatory Cleaning ProcessDoor monitoring during stacking Door monitoring during cookingProduct type/Software informationHot Line - Chef Hot Line - ServiceSteam Generator RinsingDemonstration ModeService Mode (Engineer Mode)Config1DigitSetAndEnableSetDlgEntering Stage Setting Values(Entering Setting Value between 05~180s)CancelConfirmDisenableConfig1DigitSetDlgDisenablemin(01~30 min)CancelConfirmConfigBackLightDlgScreen BrightnessCancelConfirmConfigDateTimeDlgDate and TimeYMD HMCancelConfirmConfigDemoModeDlgDemonstration ModePushButtonCancelConfirmConfigDoorMonitoringExpert Setting > Monitoring of door open time during stacking Time from closing the door and
using the dial to alarm sounding or alarm off문을 닫고 다이얼을 사용하여 경고가
울리거나 꺼질 때까지 시간Time from closing the door and using<BR>the dial to alarm sounding or alarm offStage 1Item180s180sSettingSetting
ValueStage 3Stage 2Expert Setting > Monitoring of door open time during cooking ConfigDutyWashDlgMandatory Cleaning ProcessPushButtonCancelConfirmConfigFavoriteButtontestConfigFileProcessDlgService Data DownloadConfigHalfEnergyDlgHalf EnergyPushButtonCancelConfirmConfigInfoDlgTITLEConfirmElectric Type 10 StagesElectric Type 20 StagesElectric Type 24 StagesElectric Type 40 StagesGas Type 10 Stages lpgGas Type 20 Stages lpgGas Type 24 Stages lpgGas Type 40 Stages lpgGas Type 10 Stages lpgGas Type 20 Stages lpgGas Type 24 Stages lpgGas Type 40 Stages lpgModel NameDate of ManufacturingManufacturing ContryManufacturing CompanyProduct SerialSoftware VersionCurrent ModelContact InformationNameLocation InformationConfigIpDlgIP Address.Gateway AddressNetmaskCancelConfirmConfigLanguageDlgLanguagePushButtonCancelConfirmConfigMasterVolumeDlgMaster VolumeCancelConfirmConfigSoundSelelectDlgConfirmPushButtonCancelConfirmMedia 01Media 02Media 03Media 04Media 05Media 06Media 07Media 08Media 09Media 10ConfigSteamWashDlgConfirmSteam Generator RinsingDo you want to start?CancelInside rinsing is in progress. Steam water supply is in progress.Inside fan cleaning is in progress.Inside steam macerating is in progress.Inside strong cleaning is in progress.Inside upper part cleaning is in progress.Inside steam cleaning is in progress.Cleaning is being finished.Detergent cleaning water making is in progress.Detergent cleaning water rinsing is in progress.Lower tank cleaning water making is in progress.Cleaning is finishedConfigTempTypeDlgTemperature UnitPushButtonCancelConfirmConfigTimeFormatDlgReal Time FormatPushButtonCancelConfirm ConfigVolumeDlgKeypad VolumeConfigWindowBookmarktype
SettingVolumeSystemEnergyExpert SettingScreenServiceDo you want to apply current settings?ConfirmPopupDo you want to add it to bookmark?Yes NoCooldownPopupIncreaseDecreaseSteamTextLabelCoreTempSettingPopup0Confirm / Apply℃내부 온도IconInternal HumidityBack to the previous stage%Core Thermometer TemperatureTarget HumidityElectricModelSettingWindow24 StagesProduct Model Setting40 StagesService Mode (Engineer Mode) > Product Model SettingEM-710 Stages20 StagesDo you Want to chage the model?EngineerMenuWindowService Mode (Engineer Mode)correctionEM-1Basic SettingsEM-2Function TestEM-3Service RecordEM-4Real Time DataEM-5Operation TimeEM-6Product Model SettingEM-7ErrorPopupDlgConfirmTextLabelWarningFanTestWindowSetting ValueDirection
ControlMotor SettingSTARTService Mode (Engineer Mode) > Function Test > Fan Motor500 rpm725 rpm950 rpm1175 rpm1400 rpmRightLeftMotor1Motor2FavoriteNamePopupConfirmCancelAdd to bookmarkBookmark NameFileProcessDlgExpected Remaining Time : 1 SecondCancelerro%1,no,First Appearance,Expected Remaining Time : Finish,Steam Heating Time,,Hot Air Heating Time,,Hot Air Mode,,Steam Mode,,Combi Mode,,Rinsing without Detergent,,Simple Cleaning,,Standard Cleaning,,Strong Cleaning,High Speed Cleaning,,Cool Down,,Total Operation Tine,,Door Open,,Ball Valve Open,,S/G Water Supply Solenoid,,Quenching Solenoid,,Inside-storage Water Spray Nozzle Solenoid,,Hose Reel Solenoid,,Detergent Supply Device,,Moisture-discharging Damper,,Small Pump Motor,,Medium size Pump Motor,USB recognition failed.FinishedExpected Remaining Time : %1min %2secExpected Remaining Time : %1 secSetting download failed.Bookmark download failed.Setting upload failed.Bookmark upload failed.Expected Remaining Time : 2 secmodel Information upload failed.Expected Remaining Time : 1Hot Line - Chef Setting upload failed.Hot Line - Service Setting upload failed.FormatterSpinBox%1FunctionTestWindowHeating SectionComponentsWater Supply ValveCleaningFan MotorCombustion Gas MotionService Mode (Engineer Mode) > Functon TestFunction TestEM-3Calibrated the FANChange RPM settings?Do you want to calibrate the FAN? GasModelSettingWindow20 Stages lpgProduct Model Setting24 Stages lng20 Stages lng24 Stages lpgService Mode (Engineer Mode) > Product Model SettingEM-710 Stages lpg10 Stages lng40 Stages lpg40 Stages lngDo you want to change the model?GasTestWindow1400 rpm {0 ?}HistoryListWindowService Mode (Engineer Mode) > Service Records >ListFirst Occurrence TimeCountLatest Occurrence TimeError01Error02Error03Error04Error05Error06Error07Error08Error09Error10-ErrorService Mode (Engineer Mode) > Service Records >상부점화장치Upper Part Ignition Device스팀점화장치Steam Ignition Device하부점화장치Lower Part Ignition Device서비스에러기록종합Total Service Error RecordKeepWarmPopupHeat Preservation ModeUnder Heat Preservation Mode.00:00ConfirmMainWindowMultiple CookingfunctionProgramming ModeCleaning ModeDry HeatmodeCombiSteamMeattypeDessertOther dishesVegetablesPoultryFishesBakingAdd-onsV0.3.6V0.3.4ManualCookSettingWidgetDry HeatSteamCombi100%Decrease30<span style="font-size:11pt;">℃</span><span style="font-size:11pt;">℃</span>Increase0<span style="font-size:11pt;">second</span>ManualCookWindowCombiSteamDry HeatDry HeatIncreaseDecrease0<span style="font-size:11pt;">Second</span>30<span style="font-size:11pt;">℃</span>0%0%<span style="font-size:11pt;">℃</span>toolPlease close the doorMonitoring stage 1 of door open time during cooking Monitoring stage 2 of door open time during cooking The door is opened for a long time, so cooking is cancelledMonitoring stage 3 of door open time during cookingDo you want to add it to bookmark?Cooking stops and the system goes to configuration mode. Do you want to proceed?Cooking stops and the system goes to bookmark mode. Do you want to proceed?Cooking stops and the system goes to automatic cleaning mode. Do you want to proceed?ModelSettingWindowProduct Model SettingProduct Model SettingEM-7Electric TypeGas TypeNotiPopupDlgConfirm
TextLabelOperationTimeHeatService Mode (Engineer Mode) > Operation Time > Heating SectionListResetTimeSteam Heating TimeDry Heat Heating TimeRESETOperationTimeMainService Mode (Engineer Mode) > Operating Time Operating Time EM-6Heating SectionModePartOperationTimeModeService Mode (Engineer Mode) > Operating Time > ModeListTimeDry Heat ModeSteam ModeCombi ModeRinsing without DetergentSimple CleaningStandart CleaningStrong CleaningHigh Speed CleaningCool DownTotal Operation TimeOperationTimePartsService Mode (Engineer Mode) > Operating Time > PartListTimeResetRESETDoor OpenBall Valve OpenS/G Water Supply SolenoidQuenching SolenoidInside-storage Water Spray
Nozzle SolenoidHose Reel SolenoidDetergent Supply PumpMoisture-discharging DamperSmall Pump MotorMedium size Pump MotorOvenStatisticsInternal Temperature Abnormality OccurrenceMalfunction occurs with internal temperature sensor.Quenching Temperature Abnormality OccurrenceMalfunction occurs with quenchingl temperature.Malfunction occurs with quenchingl temperature sensor.Wall Temperature Abnormality OccurrenceMalfunction occurs with wall temperature sensor. Steam Generator Temperature Abnormality OccurrenceMalfunction occurs with steam generator temperature sensor. Meat Probe Temperature Abnormality OccurrenceMalfunction occurs with meat probe temperature sensor. Meat Probe 2 Temperature Abnormality OccurrenceMalfunction occurs with meat probe 2 temperature sensor. Malfunction occurs with meat probe 3 temperature sensor. Meat Probe 3 Temperature Abnormality OccurrenceMalfunction occurs with meat probe 4 temperature sensor. Meat Probe 4 Temperature Abnormality OccurrenceMalfunction occurs with PCB temperature sensor.PCB Temperature Abnormality OccurrenceUpper Blower Communication Abnormality OccurrenceUpper Blower Abnormality OccurrenceLower Blower Communication Abnormality OccurrenceLower Part Blower Abnormality OccurrenceSteam Blower Communication Abnormality OccurrenceSteam Blower Abnormality OccurrenceLower Fan Controller Communication Abnormality OccurrenceLower Fan Controller Communication Abnormality OccurrenceUpper Fan Controller Communication Abnormality OccurrenceUpper Fan Controller Abnormality OccurrenceMalfunction occurs with burner controller 1. Burner Controller 1 Abnormality OccurrenceMalfunction occurs with burner controller 2. Burner Controller 2 Abnormality OccurrenceMalfunction occurs with burner controller 3. Burner Controller 3 Abnormality OccurrenceMalfunction occurs with lower fan controller. Malfunction occurs with upper fan controller.Upper burner is not ignited.Upper Burner Ignition Abnormality OccurrenceLower burner is not ignited.Lower Burner Ignition Abnormality OccurrenceSteam burner is not ignited.Steam Burner Ignition Abnormality OccurrenceUpper burner is not ignited. Upper Burner Ignition Abnormality OccurrenceLower burner is not ignited. Lower Burner Ignition Abnormality OccurrenceSteam burner is not ignited. Steam Burner Ignition Abnormality OccurrenceInternal temperature is overheated. Internal Temperature Overheating OccurrenceQuenching Temperature Sensor Abnormality OccurrenceQuenching temperature sensor is overheated Meat Probe Temperature Sensor Abnormality Occurrence.Meat probe temperature sensor is overheated. Wall Temperature Sensor Abnormality Occurrence.Wall temperature sensor is overheated. Steam Generator Temperature Abnormality Occurrence.Steam generator temperature sensor is overheated. Water Supply Abnormality OccurrenceWater is not supplied. PreheatPopup10PreheatPreheating0:00000/000PrimeWindowFavorite DishesBookmarkLatest DishesProgrammedCookPanelButtonformProgrammingAutoConfigWindowIncreaseSteamDecreaseProgrammingManualCoreTempPopupiconBack to previous stageConfirm / Apply℃ProgrammingManualWindow0%Dry HeatIncrease<span style="font-size:11pt;">℃</span>DecreaseSteam30<span style="font-size:11pt;">℃</span>Combi0<span style="font-size:11pt;">second</span>ProgrammingNamePopupConfirmCancelName ChangeBookmark NameProgrammingSelectionWindowDesserttypeFishesMultiple CookingfunctionVegetables and GrainsMeatDry HeatmodeOther DishesCleaning ModeProgramming ModeSteamPoultryCombiAdditional FunctionsConfectionery and BakingProgrammingWindowAutomatic CookingMake Manual CookingAddDo you want to go back without saving?Do you want to save it?QCoreApplication%1hour %2min%1min %2sec%1sechourminsecQObjectSteamCombiDry HeatLight ColorMedium CookingSoft BoilingSmall PieceMoistlyMoistlyThinThinDryWeak Short TimeWarmthExistDark ColorWell DoneHard BoilingLarge PieceThickDampnessStrongLong TimeHotNot ExistPre-heatCore Thermometer InsertingFood Material StackingCuttingWater PouringBakingDryFermentationExposing to SteamCoolingSteamingRoastingBoilingPulpifingWarmingCrispingFinishingWettingHolding OffGrillFinishBlackeningQuick Stir-fryingTemperature IncreasingRipeningRipening and PreservingBoiling Low but SteadyGratin DishBrowningBoiling over a Low HeatPutting a New MaterialCrispingKeeping WarmthRealtimeMainService Mode (Engineer Mode) > Real Time DataReal Time DataEM-5ComponentTemperature SensorRealtimePartsWindowService Mode (Engineer Mode) > Real Time Data > ComponentListConditionS/G SolenoidQuenching SolenoidInside-storage Water
Spray Nozzle SolenoidWater Level SensorS/G Pump MotorDrain Ball ValveDrain Ball ValveDetergent Supply PumpDoor SensorONOFFHIGHLOWNORMALRealtimeSensorWindowService Mode(Engineer Mode)>Real Time Data>Temperature SensorListCurrent
TemperatureRoomQuenchingSteam GeneratorMeat Probe 1Meat Probe 2Meat Probe 3Meat Probe 4PCBMaximum
Temperature TimeReserveTimePopupConfirmCancel예약 시간 설정Reservation Time Setting월MonthMinuteDayReservedTimePopup예약 시간Reservation Time0CancelServiceHistoryMainService Mode (Engineer Mode) > Service RecordService RecordEM-4Upper Ignition DeviceSteam Ignition DeviceLower Ignition DeviceTotal Service Error Record ServicePassInputDlgServiceCancelConfirmUsbCheckPopupDlgConfirmUSB is not inserted into the product.
Insert USB into the product!ValveTestWindowSTART0℃Steam Generator
Water Supply ValveSmall PumpQuenching Water Supply PumpInside-storage Water
Spray Nozzle SolenoidS/G Cleaning
Solenoid ValveService Mode (Engineer Mode) > Function Test > Water ValveWashTestWindowSTARTOPENCLOSESmall Pump MotorDetergent Supply DeviceMedium-size Pump MotorDrain Ball ValveService Mode (Engineer Mode) > Function Test > CleaningWashWindowInside of the device is being cleanedDo not open the door until the process is finished.
Inside-device automatic cleaning function is in progress.Under CleaningNon DetergentSimpleStandardStrongHigh SpeedBadMaintenance/ManagementGoodBLUEDirtCleanliness ConditionCleanlinessInside rinsing is in progress. Steam water supply is in progress.Inside fan cleaning is in progress.Inside steam macerating is in progress.Inside strong cleaning is in progress.Inside upper part cleaning is in progress.Inside steam cleaning is in progress.Cleaning is being finished.Detergent cleaning water making is in progress.Detergent cleaning water rinsing is in progress.Lower tank cleaning water making is in progress.Cleaning is finishedYesNoPopupDlgYesNoTextLabelconfigResttimeFormatDlgRemaining Time FormatPushButtonCancelConfirm