configure: use pkg-config to find libuuid

In some conditions, libuuid may be linked with -lintl. This can be the
case on uClibc when locales are enabled.

When doing a shared link, this dependency is automatically pulled in via

For a static link, there is no such mechanism to pull in dependent

Currently, the check for libuuid is done with AC_CHECK_LIB, but this
does not handle dependencies, and thus a stattic build fails.

Use pkg-config to find libuuid, that automatically pulls in the
dependencies of libuuid, if any.

Signed-off-by: "Yann E. MORIN" <>

Note: of course, that relies on the fact that libuuid installs a proper
.pc file; a patch will be submitted upstream shortly.

But even considering the current situation, where libuuid does not
provide a proper .pc file (yet), this patch does not change the
behaviour we've had so far; it is a bet on the future! ;-)

diff -durN parted-3.1.orig/ parted-3.1/
--- parted-3.1.orig/	2014-11-29 16:27:49.520560137 +0100
+++ parted-3.1/	2014-11-29 16:32:50.799702049 +0100
@@ -313,16 +313,7 @@
 dnl Check for libuuid
-AC_CHECK_LIB([uuid], [uuid_generate], [UUID_LIBS="-luuid"],
-[GNU Parted requires libuuid - a part of the util-linux-ng package (but
-usually distributed separately in libuuid-devel, uuid-dev or similar)
-This can probably be found on your distribution's CD or FTP site or at:
-Note: originally, libuuid was part of the e2fsprogs package.  Later, it
-moved to util-linux-ng-2.16, and that package is now the preferred source.])])
 dnl Check for libdevmapper